Skeletons in Your Closet

Skeletons in Your Closet

October 14, 2015

      Skeleton in the closet is a colloquial phrase and idiom used to describe an undisclosed fact about someone which, if revealed, would have a negative impact on perceptions of the person. Most of us have some kind of skeleton in our closet; we may not want to admit it, but we all have them. Skeletons are there because of bad decisions, events that take place in our lives, an act, or a memory from the past that suddenly haunts us in our present.


      Abraham had a skeleton in his closet because of a bad decision. Rather than trusting God in the famine, he went down into Egypt. Anytime we fail to trust God our next move is always a downward move away from God. Moving away from the will of God always results in consequences, which leads to skeletons in your closet. As a result of going down to Egypt, Hagar joined the family of Abraham, and I don’t have to remind you of the disaster and consequences of that union. “Now Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, mocking. Therefore she said to Abraham, ‘Drive out this maid and her son, for the son of this maid shall not be an heir with my son Isaac.'” Genesis 21:9-10 (NASB)


      However, because of God’s love for us, He still intervenes for us and helps us out of impossible situations that we get ourselves into. Don’t allow the skeletons of bad decisions to keep you from your destiny. Like Abraham, allow the Lord to deal with the skeletons in your closet.


Be Blessed,

Bishop Jemmott

Scripture Reading
Old Testament
– Proverbs 14
– Isaiah 11-12
– Psalms 46-47
New Testament
– Matthew 6:1-18